Home FAQ Resolving "MySQL server has gone away" Error

Resolving "MySQL server has gone away" Error

Last updated on Nov 10, 2023

As you build and maintain applications that interact with MySQL databases, it's crucial to manage database connections effectively. Improper handling can lead to the dreaded "MySQL server has gone away" error, which is a common issue that indicates your application lost its connection to the database.

Here's what you need to know to keep your application running smoothly.

Understanding the Issue

The "MySQL server has gone away" error typically occurs for one of two reasons:

  1. Timeout: The server closed the connection after a period of inactivity.

  2. Resource Limits: The server closed the connection because resource limits were reached, like the max_allowed_packet size.

Solutions for Connection Management

1. Connection Pooling

Connection pooling is the practice of keeping a cache of database connection objects that are reused. Instead of opening and closing connections for each operation, your application reuses connections from this pool. This is both performance-efficient and resource-friendly.

In Python, you can implement connection pooling using SQLAlchemy's create_engine() with pool_recycle option:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine

# Configure your database URI
db_uri = 'mysql+mysqlconnector://user:password@host/dbname'

# Create a database engine with connection pooling
engine = create_engine(db_uri, pool_size=5, pool_recycle=3600)

# Use the engine to interact with the database
connection = engine.connect()
result = connection.execute("SELECT * FROM your_table")
for row in result:
    print("Data:", row)

2. Connect On-Demand

Another strategy is to create connections only when needed and to close them as soon as you're done with the database operations. This can be managed in Python using context managers that automatically close the connection:

import mysql.connector

config = {
  'user': 'username',
  'password': 'password',
  'host': '',
  'database': 'your_database',

# Using a context manager to ensure that the connection is closed
with mysql.connector.connect(**config) as connection:
    with connection.cursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM your_table")
        for row in cursor:
# The connection is automatically closed when the block is exited